Want, Need, Tried, But Can’t Seem To CHANGE (1080 x 250 px) (3)

Your Heart Of Change

Ah, yes: the meat and potatoes of why we’re here. And what we’re trying to do. And how you can get involved.

The following is meant only as an overview of what we’ve built for you.  As our contribution to your personal renaissance.  Sign up below to continue your investigation. 

And find out how your heart is perfectly designed to help you change – the entire quality of your life.

Welcome to your next adventure. 

We’ll guide you into it, and then you can just relax and let the rest come from within you.  Your target is a practical, productive and loving relationship with yourself.  First with your mind, but even more importantly, with your heart. 

And then with change.

As well as with your dreams.  And finally, with the world around you. 

Not to mention with everything you’ve come to believe needs to be changed for the better.

We’ll also give you an important hint before you get into it, too.

May We Be Honest With You?

That is, that we know this isn’t for everybody. 

It’s meant to be, but you may not be ready for it.  This may not be the best time for you.  And you may not even know that, yet.

Which is fine.  We’ve got you covered.

So what we do is set up a phone call between you and Dave’s wife, Deanne, to discuss the opportunity one-on-one if that will help you.

You could say that nobody knows the Course material better than the woman who shares a bed with one of the founders.  But more importantly, she’s been through or is currently going through all the concepts and lessons we share in the Course material.


So she’s already primed to answer most if not all your questions.

Even better, if she can’t help you, she knows both of the guys who can.  She’ll get back to you with helpful information and direction, if you’re considering a magnificent journey like the one we’ve prepared for you.

Send us an email (below) and we’ll paint you a picture of what you can expect.  And we’ll conclude with our offer of that phone call.

It’ll be a no-obligation opportunity for you to get nitty and gritty with a fellow seeker on the topics that matter most to you.  And how our Course might help. 

And to repeat, if you want to have a dozen phone calls (including Zoom calls) with Deanne, you’re perfectly welcome to say so.


Because our little revolution needs committed Happiness Warriors to start and then finish it.  So we’re happy to confirm right along with you, that you’re made of transformation material. 

We’ll help you to answer your questions before you make any kind of commitment to learning how it works and how you can participate.

We know it works for everyone, but we don’t know if it will work for you – right now.  So let’s get that out of the way, first.

Sound good? 

If so, then sign up here to get that ball rolling. Or scroll through our information below, and sign up at the bottom.

Otherwise, here’s what we think you might still want to know.

A happy man is too satisfied with the present to dwell too much on the future.
– Albert Einstein

·      Dave and Larry’s Course in Personal Transformation is called Your Heart of Change – since the adjustments in habits and behaviors which you want to create will be almost impossible to complete without the backing of your heart.  You might say that your heart is at the very heart, of your desire for change. 

·      The great, complicated journey of the broken heart.  You need to get that part right first.  Then you’re equipped and ready to create the improvements you need which heal and then feed her.

·      So that you can move on to creating and enjoying The Life Of Your Dreams.

For our personal take on the process of creating the life of your dreams

Click Here

Reviews for our book Fun, Happy, Rich!
It all started with a book!

The praise from these independent reviewers was the catalyst for our developing the Course which expands MASSIVELY on the book’s original content and value.

Many people have inspirational stories to share and often those stories translate into some truly amazing success stories but forgive me for also often wondering why they choose to focus on success at work, or success at relationships, or even success at sports, but seldom look for ways to apply this effectively to a person’s entire life. 

This course surprised me by doing just that – you have found a way to access happiness and realize dreams in just about every way I could think of. 

Pardon me also for smiling at your mention of exceeding current industry standards, as I would stake a future claim on your behalf that this course will outlive many others and continue to exceed industry standards for generations to come. 

Rudi Prinsloo

Awakening. That is the word I would use to describe this captivating piece. “Fun, Happy, Rich” is a book, a program and a way of life. Turning the old paradigm of “never give up” on its ear, and embracing the human condition, the author gives us a fresh perspective on fulfillment, and provides the perfect template for creating the life happiness we all seek. 

Intertwining the story of Eva, we can take a look at a perspective that is universally applicable. This book promises to lend a hand to anyone in need of guidance in adapting to a new life devoid of the imagined future that has never come to fruition. 

This wondrously detailed narrative reveals that everyone has the ability to access their “hidden well of wisdom.” 

Lisa Lantz

Dave and Larry have outdone themselves with this book. This book is definitely a thought leader in the self-help world.  Learning through stories have made the process way easier. 

Many scenes of the story remained in mind and the “Coach’s Corner” complemented it and the focal points of the chapter remains top of mind. I have struggled as Sophia did and her story have given me the strength and encouragement to improve my Desire for Happiness and to attain the success I desire. 

Reading alone will not bring me to my Success. Dave and Larry have provided Action Steps in the “How to proceed” sections. This makes things even clearer.  

Asian Businesswoman
Ter Ter

Our Guarantee

·     There’s nothing special here.  We’ll send the Course material to you, invite you to evaluate it as well as your prospects for successfully completing it, and give you 30 or 40 days – whatever you need – to decide if this is for you.  And if it’s not, you’d like your money back.

·      No harm, no foul.  There’s no shame in trying something new for changing the direction of your entire glorious life, and unexpectedly missing the mark.

·      The purpose of your call with Deanne is to weed out your potential challenges with completing the Course, but we’re all human and you get a pass if the two of you didn’t get it right.

·      We want you to get your own fighting chance for change.  But nobody’s perfect, and timing is everything.  So if you discover that this isn’t your time, we already understand. 

·      You can keep the Course, too.  You can even share it, if you like, but of course (pun intended) you’ll forfeit anyone else’s access to the Forum.  Which is where – we believe – your good work will be amplified beyond measure – beyond anything you can accomplish on your own. 

·      And don’t forget, we’ll be right here with you, start to finish.

·      And you’re always welcome back with open arms to try again when you’re ready.  We know the problems won’t go away in the interim (Mother Nature’s Rules, not ours), but perhaps your ambition and mindset to solve them will change and if that’s the case, we’ll be here. 

·      We’ll leave the light on for you. (courtesy, Motel 6)

Some Legal Stuff About Responsible Use Of The Information

·      We didn’t get advice from a lawyer to include this part, but it makes sense.  If you’re in trouble emotionally and would benefit most from PROFESSIONAL guidance and care, this product may not be what you need.  Not yet, anyway.

·      So please don’t expect it to rescue you from the precipice of self-destruction.  The kind that evolves from the desperate awareness that you’re out of options and out of luck.

·      Our mission is ignition.  We want to excite and support the emergence of your inner Happiness Warrior, with the aim of helping you discover for yourself the full extent of your ability to help yourself.  Back from the brink of disappointment and frustration with the self-help results you’ve been getting.

·      But only if you’re ready.

·      So please, dear soul, get professional counseling if you need it. 

·      Otherwise, we’re here to guide you in helping yourself – to transform yourself – from an ordinary victim of the enemies within and without, to a successful player in The Game of Change.  And from there to victory in the great Game of Life.  

Your Turn!

It is not hyperbole to state that this could be the beginning of the second term of your life. 

Second of many, perhaps, but at a minimum your signal that a new term is now underway.

Over to you if you’re game to learn more, and we honestly can’t wait to see what happens next.